Setup Wireguard Between Two Servers

WireGuard is a modern VPN that utilizes state-of-art cryptography. It’s very easy to set up compared to other VPNs. In this post we are exploring how to set up secure networks between two servers over the internet. Preparation First, we will need the necessary components: wireguard-go and wg from wireguard-tools. wireguard-go is used to create the network interface that the system uses to create the tunnel between the servers. wg manages the configuration of the interfaces....

published on December 28, 2023 · last edited on July 17, 2024 · 4 min · 654 words

Using Github Actions to Build Linux Kernels

Google released BBR v3 nearly two months ago. To try it out, we have to use a kernel which is compiled from a source that has this patch. We can compile the kernel ourselves or be lazy and use a kernel compiled by others. But what fun is there if we take the easy way? About GitHub Actions GitHub Actions can be used to automate software workflows, from building to deploying....

published on September 21, 2023 · 4 min · 808 words

Formatting Linux Root Filesystem as Xfs

warning Experimenting with filesystems can be very dangerous. You should understand the risks and back up data before trying the method below. The default filesystem used by debian is ext4, which is an old and stable filesystem. Recently I learn of an alternative filesystem xfs, which according to my experiment is faster than ext4. So I decided to give it a try. EXT4 Performance XFS Performance The problem is my server is a virtual private server and I don’t have physical access to it....

published on March 28, 2023 · 5 min · 1036 words